(C) 2006 Igor L. Markov and Louis K. Scheffer End-User License Agreement and Terms of Service for DUDE software and the DUDE Web site ==================================================================== By using the DUDE software or the data provided by the DUDE Web site, as well as by submitting data to the DUDE Web site, or using information produced by DUDE, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The use and distribution of DUDE software are prohibited when either violates local, national or international laws. The DUDE software is only authorized for use by the ACM and the IEEE, program committees of ACM and IEEE conferences, as well as by editors and staff of ACM and IEEE magazines, journals and transactions. Commercial uses of DUDE, uses in mission-critical applications, and uses involving personal information require a separate license. You acknowledge and agree that the DUDE software and the DUDE Web site are intended for advisory role only and not for making final decisions. Suggestions made by DUDE shall in all cases be verified independently by manual inspection of original files (not hash digests) performed by qualified experts. You acknowledge and agree that specific information produced by DUDE is not intended to be widely publicized, except in the form of summaries and aggregates. The use of DUDE to defame, abuse, harass, coerce, threaten, and blackmail is prohibited. Any copy and derivative of DUDE software must acknowledge the authors of the DUDE software, as well as preserve and prominently display this end-user license. Any intended use of the DUDE software or the DUDE Web site must be explicitly acknowledged to the authors of DUDE prior to such use. Any intent to use DUDE shall be announced publicly prior to such use, when possible. The DUDE software is provided as is, without any explicit or implied warranty, and without claims of fitness for a particular purpose. The authors only hope that some users might find the DUDE software helpful. The authors make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by DUDE software or the DUDE Web site. The authors of this software, the ACM and the IEEE shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software. In addition to the prohibited uses above, other prohibited uses of DUDE software and the DUDE Web site include, but are not limited to the following * uploading, storing or transmitting unauthorized, unlawful, offensive or damaging content on the DUDE We site * interfering to disrupt, alter or redirect the DUDE service * restricting or preventing any other user from using DUDE software and the DUDE Web server * studying or evaluating DUDE software or the DUDE Web server with the purpose of circumventing its intended function * transmitting viruses, defects or Trojan horses * impersonating someone else